Saturday’s Mystery eBooks

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Mud, Muck and Dead Things
by Ann Granger
Kindle $1.99 Rating: 4.1 #ad


When the body of a young woman is discovered in the cowshed of Cricket Farm, the tranquility of the British countryside is shattered. Inspector Jess Campbell is on the case, but with few leads, a grumbling partner, and the new superintendent Ian Carter piling on the pressure, she’s beginning to wonder why she chose to be a detective in the first place.

The shifty land-owner Eli Smith seems to have something to hide, and as Campbell delves into the gruesome past of the dilapidated farm, the mystery deepens. A flashy Mercedes spotted fleeing the scene of the crime leads to a suspect, but when another body turns up, it looks as though Campbell’s lead is nothing but a dead end…

One Last Bite
by Leah Cupps
Kindle $0.99 Rating: 4.3 #ad


Sadie’s dream job is about to become her nightmare.

Chef Sadie Jackson is ready to escape a troubled past, so she’s overjoyed when she’s offered the chance to work at Thistle, a new restaurant owned by her culinary heroes the legendary Devon and Norah Winthrop. Even though she’s starting out as a dishwasher, Sadie’s willing to do whatever it takes to impress the golden couple.

But she soon discovers that something is off in the Winthrops’ seemingly perfect world. Sadie hears whispers of money troubles. Illegal activities. She sees the strange bruises on Norah’s arms.

Billionaire Sheriff on the Move
by Bonita Y. McCoy
Kindle $4.99 Rating: 5.0 #ad


Bernadette has known Wade for years. Shoot, he even saved her life, once. So, when Wade moves back to town and wants more than just a simple friendship, Bernadette must face a new decision and an old fear. Can she overcome her past and open her heart to a new kind of love?

Wade Thibodeaux learned the hard way that being a billionaire isn’t all fun and games. That’s why he joined the FBI in the first place, to get away from the Harris name and all the expectations that go with it. But when a surgeon digs a bullet from his chest, he decides it’s time to return home and put down some much-needed roots.

Now, as sheriff, he’s chasing down a string of burglaries along with a hacker who has some mind-blowing skills and a pair of bedazzled shoes….

The Left-Handed Twin
by Thomas Perry
Kindle $2.99 Rating: 4.6 #ad


Rescue artist Jane Whitefield leads a deadly crime syndicate on a wild chase through the Northeast

Jane Whitefield helps people disappear. Fearing for their lives, fleeing dangerous situations, her clients come to her when they need to vanish completely—to assume a new identity and establish a new life somewhere they won’t be found. And when people are desperate enough to need her services, they come to the old house in rural western New York where Jane was raised to begin their escape.

It’s there that, one spring night, Jane finds a young woman fresh from LA with a whole lot of trouble behind her…

Bitter Medicine
by Multiple Authors
Kindle $1.99 Rating: 4.7 #ad


Enter once more the world of Roland Deschain—and the world of the Dark Tower…presented in this stunning fourth graphic novel of The Drawing of the Three story arc that will unlock the doorways to terrifying secrets and bold storytelling as part of the dark fantasy masterwork and magnum opus from #1 New York Times bestselling author Stephen King.

Now, in the graphic novel series adaptation Stephen King’s The Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three, originally published by Marvel Comics in single-issue form and creatively overseen by Stephen King himself, the full story of Roland’s saga continues.

So Long As You Both Shall Live
by Ed McBain
Kindle $0.99 Rating: 4.2 #ad


Detective Bert Kling has had some rough luck with women. First his fiancée Cindy Townsend was gunned down in an infamous bookstore shooting. Then there was Cindy Forrest, who informed him one day that she was in love with a doctor at work—and was gone. Now he’s finally hit the jackpot. Kling just married the beautiful model Augusta Blair, and they are about to enjoy the first night of their marriage together…until bad luck catches him again.

When Kling gets out of the shower, Augusta is gone, leaving behind one shoe—and cotton soaked in chloroform. Even harder than calling Detective Steve Carella with the news is standing on the sidelines while the rest of the men do all the work. But he’ll have to—or he’ll never see her alive again.

The Lady in the Silver Cloud
by David Handler
Kindle $1.99 Rating: 4.2 #ad


“This is confection in the guise of a mystery novel; it goes down easy as a milkshake.”Sarah Weinman, The New York Times Book Review

A 1955 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud is a fantastically expensive car, especially in the pristine condition of the one owned by Muriel Cantrell. Living in a luxury apartment building on Central Park West, the delicate, sweet 75-year-old woman is a neighbor of Merilee Nash, the beautiful movie star, and Stuart Hoag, whose first book was a sensation but whose career crashed when he became involved with drugs and alcohol. Divorced ten years earlier, Hoagy has been welcomed back into Merilee’s life and apartment.

The Munich Girl
by Phyllis Edgerly Ring
Kindle $2.99 Rating: 4.2 #ad


Anna Dahlberg grew up eating dinner under her father’s war-trophy portrait of Eva Braun. Fifty years after the war, she discovers what he never did—that her mother and Hitler’s mistress were friends.

The secret surfaces with a mysterious monogrammed handkerchief, and a man, Hannes Ritter, whose Third Reich family history is entwined with Anna’s.

Plunged into the world of the “ordinary” Munich girl who was her mother’s confidante—and a tyrant’s lover—Anna finds her every belief about right and wrong challenged. With Hannes’s help, she retraces the path of two women who met as teenagers, shared a friendship that spanned the years that Eva Braun was Hitler’s mistress, yet never knew that the men they loved had opposing ambitions.